Thanks for visiting us in this corner of the internet, however you found us, we’re glad you made it.
Now that you are here, let’s talk Vermont whitewater.
The ultimate mission of the site is to make Vermont a more accessible kayaking venue. Numerous kayakers have logged countless hours learning the hard way to bring you the information on this site. We endured long drives to empty rivers, high water beatings, micro-creek portage fests, and of course broken boats, all in the name of research (or a misguided idea of fun).
The objectives of this site are as follows:
- Collect information from local boaters regarding all aspects of Vermont rivers, with a primary focus on local knowledge and accuracy.
- Gather flow reports for all rivers commonly paddled, with a primary focus on large sample sizes.
- Use that information to build robust correlations to USGS gauges, ultimately that will factor in variables such as trend and time of year.
- Distribute that information in a manner that is quick to access and easy understand as well as fun to read.
- Update all AW pages with as much relevant information as is possible.
Creek VT will achieve these objectives by:
- Recruiting local boaters to document their backyard runs in the way of river guides.
- Implementing a means for any boater to quickly and easily submit river level reports that are stored in a connected database.
- Developing code to automatically grab flow readings from corresponding gauges and populate the database.
- Publishing individual pages for each river. Every page will contain a basic description, directions, flow information, a detailed river guide with images and a detailed map.
- Periodically publishing a blog to distribute relevant information.
If you would like to help in the effort, there are several ways to participate.
It does not need to be current, if you have notes tucked away in a river log from the past decade, feel free to submit it. The important information that is must contain are: the date, the time and the level.
Have relevant information? A great trip report or story to tell? Interested in writing a river guide for your backyard run? We welcome all assistance with this site.
We hope you enjoy the site. Be sure to check back frequently as we add more features and continue to build the guide.
Pray for rain and we’ll see you on the river