Spring Recap 2019
The spring of 2019 in Vermont will go down as one of the best in the past five years, and for paddlers of northern Vermont one of the best of the past decade, second in line behind only 2011.
The regularity of ideal conditions – the kind that drive non-boating folk up the wall with unrelenting cabin fever – meant that nearly every day there was something running. While levels periodically spiked to allow for some phenomenal high water days, they also never dropped too low to get skunked on the mainstays.
Classics such as the New Haven, Gihon, Joes, NBW and NBL all saw regular traffic. Lesser paddled runs such as Waterman, Kenfield, Patterson and Bingo Brooks saw a significant amount of paddlers pass through. Even the rare micros Flint, Baldwin and Cobb saw boats for the first time in a while.
So, how are things looking around the state?
The Good
Northern rivers are boating well. Reports are that the runs north of 89 are for the most part clean of wood. There has been an unusually solid number of boaters in that neck of the woods as of late and they have been enjoying a fantastic runoff and continued precipitation.
Patterson Brook – which has been plagued with wood since a heavy snow event in 2014 is very clean. Supposedly one new log as of late May, but relative to how it has been, things are great.
The New Haven. Its been almost 7 years since Hurricane Irene significantly changed around the ledges, but this classic run is boating as good as ever.
The Bad
Reports out of the south have been few and far between. The southern half of the state has always been a bit of a ghost-town in terms of boaters, but things seem particularly quiet this year. If you are a paddler out there boating, we’d love to hear from you!
Ridley Brook supposedly has a good bit of wood. The main noted spots are above the normal put in, lead-in to Bathtub and Video Drop.
The Ugly
The Middlebury gorge has had a major shift in the unportagable Rebirth. A rock has slid into the drop which by all accounts has rearranged the rapid in the negative. No reports of it having been run yet. Also a river wide log is blocking the lead-in to Tester – the largest drop below the inner gorge.
Other news:
The New Haven race was by all reports a great success, with high water excitement and the inevitable carnage.
Exciting news coming out of Montpelier as several dams are being removed/altered to create playable features. More on this coming soon.
So on the whole, the rivers are boating well, the community has been active and the spring has been one to remember. Lets hope it keeps right on rolling into the summer months.
-Creek VT
If you have any info to share – please get in touch with us via the contact, we’d love to hear from you.