Fall Recap 2024
The summer of 2024 started with yet another flood, exactly one year to the day after those of July 10 – 11 of 2023. Much like its predecessor, this event hit some regions significantly harder than others, with areas like Hinesburg, the Mad River and the southern edge of the Northeast Kingdom receiving the brunt of the storm. And much like 2023, in some locations river levels exceeded those of Irene. In addition to the devastation experienced in the July 10th storm, the St Johnsbury / Lyndon/ Orleans area was hit with another massive rainstorm on the night of July 29th with some areas recording a whopping 7 – 8 inches of rain overnight. You can read in more detail about both these events from some great NOAA reporting here and again here. Though some boating was had in the areas lesser hit – most folks were conscious of the devastation and work to be done, and avoided where people were picking up the pieces and road crews were hard at work. There are still some rivers yet to be explored since the floods – so if you are travelling in the areas hit this past summer an extra dose of caution would be advised. Runs such as Joes, Ridley, Joiner, Cobb, and Brush Brook should all be inspected closely before a descent.

The soggy start to summer provided quite a few opportunities to boat around the state that continued through the months of July and August. With the arrival of September came dry “pleasant” (by non-boating standards) weather. The foliage season was one to remember, the fall boating, one to forget. With the exception of one high water day in late September, flows were very limited. Fortunately dam releases around the region provided when mother nature did not, and many folks ventured to neighboring states to take advantage of these.

The end of the year gave us a couple days of high flows surrounding the holidays when warm weather and rain coincided with a respectable existing snowpack. This allowed folks a few rare treats such as Patterson Brook, Basin Brook into the North Branch of The Lamoille, and a new years day float on the Peavine section of the White River.


While its been a bit quiet on the site the past year keep an eye out for a few exciting updates. Here’s what to expect.
- A handful of river guides from new contributors to be posted through the first half of the year.
- Open registration for whitewater races coming up this spring.
- An update to the flows page with new functionality and features.
We are excited to keep exploring the rivers of Vermont with you all and to continue sharing the fun of whitewater paddling in this great little state.

See you on the river.
-Creek VT